SAC Songwriter Challenge 2016

The first challenge of this year – under the wire – a few hours ago, I realized the deadline is tonight … as in not tomorrow night … is it 11:59 yet?   And I think I wrote my blog and posted it to the comments section of somebody else’s blog instead of onto the actual challenge site.  Stephan Petar-Goruvosa will be shaking his head, so old-school, OMG Jen…  but the point is to start somewhere.  In songwriting often the ideas we think my be the stupidest turn out to be the best, so I’m heeding my Grandmother’s advice on this one:  “If the soufle falls, call it a pudding and serve it with a flair!”

So here it is, “no inch, no mile”.  Fun, sassy, and a better recording will be made of it tomorrow


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